Our Team

  • corenia smith

    Strategic Partner & Health Equity Consultant

    With a background in nursing and a passion for reproductive justice, Corenia skillfully operates at the intersection of policy, politics, and health equity. Her professional experience is deeply rooted in organizing, and she embraces the spirit of grassroots power-building. Corenia's mission extends to helping organizations navigate the multifaceted challenges of our time, from the practical work of organizing and facilitating meaningful convenings to broad coalition-building for transformative justice. As the driving force behind Wholesome Management, she's dedicated to making the invisible, visible and fostering a healthier and more equitable world.

    Schedule a meeting with Corenia today!

  • heather shore

    Design and Branding Strategist

    As the Design and Branding Strategist, Heather expertly merges her professional background and personal advocacy. Her role involves utilizing human-centered design principles to create effective, engaging solutions for end-users, ensuring that stakeholder engagement is at the heart of the design process. Heather's passion for ensuring access and her dedication to addressing systemic inequities in Minnesota's urban and rural communities are reflected in her work. Her strategic approach at Wholesome Management not only drives the organization's branding efforts but also amplifies its mission of advocacy and partnership-building.

  • lyly vang-yang

    LyLy is the eldest daughter of Hmong immigrant refugees, a public transit user, and hot tub enthusiast. As an experienced electoral campaigner, she has supported and managed historic Twin Cities-based campaigns (Mayor Melvin Carter, Councilmember Katie Cashman, Councilmember Aisha Chughtai, Councilmember Cheniqua Johnson, and Councilmember Nelsie Yang). LyLy organized people across the state of Minnesota to build independent political power in various roles with TakeAction Minnesota. She has also worked for the City of Saint Paul, City of Minneapolis, and Hennepin County, supporting elected officials with responsive and equitable policymaking and constituent services. She is a former board member of Our Justice and is honored to have supported the organization through the fall of Roe v Wade. To reground herself, LyLy enjoys creating vibrant floral arrangements, digital collages, and silly memories with her beloved people and animals.